My husband loves to ski…I do not. Each year he goes on a week long ski trip with his Dad and a bunch of other ski lovers. Normally when he goes for these little vacations I have my sister come stay with me. Unfortunately this time around Danie has a boyfriend and had no desire to spend the week living with me and my cranky baby, so I packed my bags and headed to the country to spend the week with my family. I’m sure you are wondering why I didn’t just stay at my house with Poppy…well, although I am a 31 year old woman/mother and wife I am also cursed with the imagination of a 4 year old and scare myself stupid when I am home alone at night. I jump at every sound and am convinced every scary movie scenario is about to come true. I literally will not spend the night in my home without a grownup to keep me safe. This week I am happy I have this little problem because it gave me the perfect excuse to spend the week with my Dad, stepmom and little brother. We went for long walks everyday. I also got to take Poppy on her first sleigh ride..I dragged her all over in her brand new sleigh that Gampy and Grammy got just for her. It was a wonderful week!
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