In January I went on a mini road trip to N.Y to vist My stepmom’s family. It was a last minute invite and I was quick to say yes….on one condition, I was going alone. No Poppy, no Kegan just me and Erica! A girls’ roadtrip. I hadn’t been away from Poppy for more than a night so as one could imagine I was a little teary eyed as we drove off. Don’t worry, It didn’t take long for my tears to turn to excitment! 4 days of me time! I had a beautiful hotel room with a king sized bed awaiting me and I couldn’t wait.
I know this may sound crazy but spending that time with Erica ( 13 hours in the car ) was just what I needed. It was perfect. We had deep conversations and enjoyed the peace and quiet, both of us appreciating what a blessing it was.
After our arrival the days flew bye.We celebrated Erica’s parent’s birthday ( it was a big one for her dad) The family rented a lovely restaurant for the ocasion. Friends and family chatted and ate the afternoon away. I hadn’t seen my cousin Thea in over 7 years…possibly longer so we took advantage of the time and caught up on as many things as we could think of. It was great to get to know her at this stage in her life. She’s one cool chick.
During my visit I was also lucky enough to tag along with my aunt Jess as she picked up some art in Brooklyn from the artist Elizabeth Huey for a show Jess was working on later that month in LA. To put it mildly I was overflowing with envy as we stood in Elizabeth’s studio stacked with more canvases and paint than my little heart could desire. Oh and did I mention her little dog got to hang out in it’s little shopping cart bed keeping Elizabeth company while she paints?….. Not a bad life.
I will add that on top of envy I was also super inspired to start painting again and that is a feeling I haven’t had in far too long.
Thank you Erica for the perfect little get away. I love you tons xoxo
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