Grammy and Gampy’s March 2014
1- Poppy not wanting to finish her lunch….she is all about testing the limits these days, woohoo terrible two’s.
2-Snuggles with grammy
3-Scribbles by Poppy annnnd Mommy
4- Happy reaction to seeing Gampy making his way to join us for a car ride
5,6,7- Fun at the farmers market. Saw this woman in the summer and she asked what poppy’s name was. I told her and she said she had never sewn a Poppy before nor had she ever met one. When we saw her this weekend she asked again what Poppy’s name was and as soon as I told her she quickly remembered us and ran to dig out the Poppy she had made Just for us! needless to say we bought it;)
8-Story time with Gampy
9-Marley getting snuggles from Pop’s favourite companions; Birdie and Giraffe
10,11,12-A visit to one of my favourite vintage shops….Poppy really wanted those bears but I stood strong and only bought some bookends and a few tiny glass seagulls for Pop’s ever growing collection of little things.
13-A sunbathing dog named Kitty
Comments and positivity are always welcomed, however I am currently not accepting complaints or criticisms.