Friday- after Poppy was sleeping we had a festive get together/gingerbread decorating competiton. We have been trying to make it a tradition with the hopes that it will still be going strong when Poppy is old enough to take part. Last year my house was crap but this year I think I won, however there seemed to be other opinions on the matter.
Saturday- Poppy had been sick since Monday so I took her to the Dr. on Friday when she seemed to be getting worse rather than better. It turned out she had a nasty ear infection caused from months of non-stop colds. A prescription for amoxacillin was given and home we went. Then on Saturday we decided to finally give her peanuts for the first time ( I know we should have done it ages ago ) but there was never a good time for me to sit and see if my baby would be good with nuts or go into anaphylactic shock. About 10 minutes after giving her a little tiny bit of peanut butter on toast Poppy started scratching at her mouth and whining a lot, and since there was no way she was letting myself or Daddy have a look in her mouth we let her be and I sat and watched her like a hawk to make sure she didn’t start swelling up. That afternoon when I went to put her down for her nap I discovered her poor little body had been taken over by little itchy red spots. After rushing to the Dr. again we left with a referral to Sick Kids for allergy testing and a warning not to give Poppy any penicillin or nuts until we find out what caused her to react.
Sunday- was Grandad’s Birthday so we walked over to Vesta Diner and enjoyed a lovely grease filled brunch. Poppy was in heaven. Happy Birthday Grandad!
Sunday- eve we decorated our tree. So far we have managed to keep Poppy from pulling it down but it has only been one night so…..
tara says