the little things

IMG_8357 IMG_8391 IMG_8393 IMG_8467IMG_8458 IMG_8470 IMG_8504 IMG_8511IMG_8547 IMG_8557 IMG_8563 IMG_8582 IMG_8591This past week I decided to pack myself and Poppy up and do a last minute trip to Gamp and Grams. We left Sunday afternoon and came home Thursday morning. Sadly Poppy was hit with her second MONSTER of a cold in 2 weeks. We spent our visit nose deep in tissues and cuddles,snot suckers and Micky Mouse club, whining and crying. Thank goodness the last day there Poppy was feeling much better! We went to our regular hang out aka the Peterborough zoo. We had lunch at a wonderful new restaurant in town, where Poppy discovered she loves to dunk her fries in homemade grape jelly. Then we finished the day off with an evening stroll and some adventuring in the corn fields. It was a wonderFULL day.




Comments and positivity are always welcomed, however I am currently not accepting complaints or criticisms.


  1. says

    I absolutely love your Instagram and I finally decided to visit your website…which I also absolutely love! I had to read this post because I actually wrote a post titled the same thing the other day. Your daughter is adorable and your photos are incredible. I admire your vision and design aesthetic.

    • says

      Thank you so much!! It is definitely a challenge getting my IG followers to check out the blog…I’m so happy you decided to visit! I really appreciate your kind words and hope you visit ibbyandpop (the blog) again!

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